When summertime heat rolls around, it’s important to make sure that a home’s roof is properly ventilated. Adequate roof ventilation can prevent a variety of issues, including roof damage and increased energy costs. Carolina Atlantic knows the importance of summertime roof ventilation, and we source only the finest residential roof ventilation products for local area home builder supply stores. Here are some tips on how to ensure that residential roofs are properly ventilated.
Residential Roof Ventilation is Vital
First of all, why is summertime roof ventilation so important? During the hot summer months, the temperature on a home’s roof can climb to well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Without proper ventilation, this heat can become trapped in the attic, causing the temperature inside a home to rise as well. This can lead to a variety of issues, including:
- Increased energy costs: When the temperature inside a home rises, the air conditioning system will have to work harder to keep the home cool. This can lead to higher energy bills.
- Damage to the roof: The heat trapped in an attic can cause the shingles to become brittle and crack, leading to leaks and other damage.
- Health issues: High attic temperatures can also lead to mold growth, which can cause respiratory issues.
Home Roof Ventilation Products
Carolina Atlantic stocks a range of roof ventilation products that ensure residential roofs are properly ventilated during the summer months and year-round. They include:
- Ridge Vents: A ridge vent is a type of ventilation system that runs along the peak of the roof. This allows hot air to escape from the attic while drawing in cooler air from outside.
- Soffit Vents: Soffit vents are located under the eaves of the roof and allow cool air to enter the attic. This creates a natural flow of air, drawing hot air out through the ridge vent.
- Attic Fans: Attic fans can help to draw hot air out of the attic, reducing the temperature inside a home. Solar-powered fans are a great option, as they don’t require any additional wiring or electricity.
- Attic Insulation: Insulating the attic helps to prevent heat from entering a home in the first place. This will reduce the air conditioning system’s workload and help keep energy bills lower.
Wholesale Residential Roofing Materials and Accessories
Summertime heat can be a real problem for homeowners, but with proper roof ventilation, you can ensure that homes stay cool and comfortable all summer long. Carolina Atlantic is a leading wholesale supplier of residential roofing materials and accessories that can source your local roofing supply store with everything your builder and roofing clients need.
We source top-quality products to help prevent damage to roofs, reduce energy costs and keep families healthy in the homes your clients build and repair. Contact us today to learn more about partnering with us for the best products and accessories at the absolute lowest prices. We have 11 modern distribution centers in seven states to serve you!
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